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Alan Franciscus


HCV Advocate

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

New Cigna, Catamaran Hep C Pacts Put Gilead Drugs to the Test

"Since the December 2014 approval of AbbVie Inc.’s hepatitis C treatment Viekira Pak (ombitasvir, paritaprevir and ritonavir tablets; dasabuvir tablets), at least 10 companies have disclosed exclusive or semi-exclusive deals with Gilead Sciences, Inc. that feature the manufacturer’s hepatitis C agents, Harvoni (ledipasvir/sofosbuvir) and Sovaldi (sofosbuvir). But Catamaran Corp. and Cigna Corp. this month unveiled the first outcomes-based arrangements with Gilead that industry observers say could open the door for more value-based deals around hepatitis C and other specialty agents".
"Catamaran on Feb. 3 said it would offer a new hepatitis C patient management program through its specialty pharmacy, BriovaRx, that features Gilead’s Harvoni and Sovaldi as exclusive hepatitis C treatment options (DBN 2/6/15, p. 1). Similarly, Cigna Corp., a long-term Catamaran customer, on Feb. 4 said it would offer Harvoni as the only preferred brand drug treatment for customers with hepatitis C genotype 1 infection as well as develop an outcomes-based incentive program".
"While both companies declined to provide specifics on how the deals are structured, other outcomes-based pharmaceutical arrangements between manufacturers and insurers or PBMs have tied rebate payments to agreed-upon outcomes achieved by the payers’ members. Cigna, for instance, in 2010 embarked on an outcomes-based partnership with Merck & Co. in which the drugmaker provided rebates to Cigna when its members with type 2 diabetes met goals for adherence to prescribed medications and low blood sugar levels (DBN 12/17/10, p. 1). And Prime Therapeutics LLC in 2012 signed an outcomes-based contract with EMD Serono, Inc. for its multiple sclerosis drug Rebif (interferon beta-1a) through which the drugmaker promised to pay rebates to the PBM if its members taking Rebif had a higher total cost of care than people on other MS medications. Adherence levels were also considered. Cigna inked a similar deal with EMD Serono in 2011".

Patients First: Price Wars, Treatment Outcomes, Longevity Alan Franciscus, Editor-in-Chief

This month’s Patients First is full of good news (for a change) for patients.  The HCV price war between Gilead and AbbVie is lowering drug prices, which will hopefully equal more treatment access for patients.  Curing hepatitis C improves emotional well-being and improves long-term survival in people with cirrhosis.

Price Cuts/Value
Since AbbVie’s approval  of Viekira Pak to treat HCV genotype 1 there have been many negotiations between the various insurance companies and pharmacies for price reductions.  This has led to steep price cuts.  The California Technology Assessment Forum (CTAF) met earlier this year and voted that Harvoni represented a “LOW” health system value based on the price of $95,000 for the 12 week price.  CTAF reasoned that this would increase Medicaid costs by over 5% in a single year if all patients with HCV were treated.  Now, that the price is in the $34,000 to $42,000 range for the average course of therapy, CTAF has changed its assessment to “HIGH” health system value.  This is good news for the state Medicaid budgets and patients.  Hopefully, this will translate  into treatment for more patients.
Treatment: Mental and Physical Health Outcomes
The Chronic Hepatitis Cohort Study (CheCS) is a large ongoing national study.  Electronic health records from four sites for the period between 1/1/2006 and 12/31/2010 were provided for this study.   Overall 4,781 surveys were completed.  Of these, the average age was 57 yo, 71% were white, 57% male, 51% had past injection drug use, 34% were current smokers, and 18% abused alcohol in the past year.  In regards to treatment, 47% had been treated previously and 15% had achieved SVR12.

Overall, about 30% met the criteria for depression—this compared to 9% of the general population who have depression.  About 25% of those with hepatitis C had poor physical health—this is a very large number for any disease condition.

The article discussed how having depression and being on interferon-based therapy affected many areas of life more than interferon-free therapies, “However, achieving SVR was associated with improved emotional well-being—at least the absence of depression—in these patients.  Conversely, there appeared to be little physical or mental health benefit for those who did not achieve SVR, for whatever reason, after starting antiviral therapy.”
Curing HCV = Living Longer
A recent study from the Netherlands sheds some very positive light on how being cured affects long-term survival. The researchers analyzed data between 1990 and 2003 from 5 hepatology centers in Europe and Canada.  The patients were treated, and were followed beginning 24 weeks after treatment ended.  Follow-up was competed in 454 patients—median age was 48, most were male (70%) and 36% patients were cured.  The median follow-up period was 8.4 years (6.4 to 11.4 years).  Importantly, all of the patients had advanced fibrosis.

The 10-year survival of the people who were cured was 91%, which did not differ from the age- and sex-match of the general population – in other words being cured of hepatitis C and advanced fibrosis meant that people would live as long as someone without hepatitis C—that’s pretty important and impressive.


Seattle-HIV testing in ED serves as link to care

"SEATTLE — An HIV testing program in an ED, which was originally implemented to describe the local epidemic, played a significant role in linking individuals to care, according to data presented at CROI 2015".

“Over a 25-year period, the program evolved, and this change is partially evidenced by declining undiagnosed HIV infection, increased use of antiretroviral therapy, increased viral suppression and decline in HIV incidence,” Thomas C. Quinn, MD, of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said during his presentation".
"Quinn and colleagues examined local trends in HIV and hepatitis C in the Johns Hopkins Hospital ED population for a 25-year period. They conducted 6- to 8-week identity-unlinked serosurveys in the ED in 1987, 1988, 1992, 2001, 2007 and 2013. The study included 18,144 eligible patients who required a blood draw for a medical reason. Excess sera were collected, and specimens underwent ELISA testing followed by Western blot (from 1992-2013). The specimens also were tested for HCV in 1988 and from 2001 to 2013".

Montreal-Hepatitis C cure rate of 97 per cent announced in study of patients co-infected with HIV given 12-week combination

MONTREAL, March 3, 2015 /CNW/ - A combination of two once-daily medications for chronic hepatitis C infection has been shown in newly released study results to cure almost all the patients who participated, despite the patients also being co-infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This patient population historically has been challenging to treat for hepatitis C, in large part due to potential drug-drug interactions between the antiviral therapy regimens used to treat each infection.

Results of ALLY-2, a Phase 3 clinical trial evaluating the investigational once-daily combination of daclatasvir and sofosbuvir for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C in patients co-infected with HIV were announced last week and showed that those treated for 12 weeks (HCV treatment-naïve and -experienced), 97% (n=149/153) achieved cure (sustained virologic response 12 weeks after treatment, or SVR12). 
"The data showed results that are very promising in patients that are well known as being both difficult to treat and at higher risk for developing serious liver disease, making the results all the more significant," said Dr. Stephen Shafran, Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases) at the University of Alberta. "It's also important to note that we are seeing high cure rates with the daclatasvir and sofosbuvir combination regardless of the genotype of the hepatitis C infection."

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Pharmalot, Pharmalittle: We’re Reading About Gilead, Hepatitis C Drug Prices and More!!

A 30-member panel of doctors and health experts will, for the first time, address the cost effectiveness of hepatitis C drugs in updated guidelines that may change prescribing and coverage for the medicines, Bloomberg News reports. The panel is a joint effort by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the Infectious Diseases Society of America, which together represent more than 10,000 physicians, health workers and scientists. ”The panel will explicitly consider cost and cost- effectiveness,” says Benjamin Linas, a panel member and physician.

Meanwhile, the U.K.’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence endorsed Harvoni, the newest Gilead Sciences GILD -1.00% treatment for hepatitis C, for use on the state health service in the U.K., where it costs significantly less than in the U.S., according to Reuters. Harvoni, which combines Gilead’s drug Sovaldi with another of its anti-viral medicines into a daily pill, is priced at $58,400 for a 12-week treatment course – a third less than in the U.S. And PMLive notes that, unlike Sovaldi, Harvoni will not face a funding delay in the U.K.


U.S.A; Gilead Announces SVR12 Rates From Phase 3 Study Evaluating Harvoni® for the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C in Patients Co-Infected With HIV

SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 26, 2015-- Gilead Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:GILD) today announced results from a Phase 3 study, ION-4, evaluating the once-daily single tablet regimen Harvoni® (ledipasvir 90 mg/sofosbuvir 400 mg) for the treatment of genotypes 1 or 4 chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection among patients co-infected with HIV. In the trial, 96 percent (n=321/335) of HCV patients achieved a sustained virologic response 12 weeks after completing therapy (SVR12). Patients who achieve SVR12 are considered cured of HCV infection. These data were presented in a late-breaker oral session (Session 152LB) at the 22nd Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) in Seattle.
“This trial provides strong evidence that people who are co-infected with HIV can achieve very high rates of hepatitis C cure with a combination direct-acting antiviral regimen,” said Susanna Naggie, MD, MHS, Director of Infectious Diseases Research at Duke Clinical Research Institute and Principal Investigator for the ION-4 study. “These high cure rates were observed in most of the historically difficult-to-treat sub-populations, including those who failed previous treatment and those with cirrhosis. We are greatly encouraged by these findings.”
ION-4 is a Phase 3, multicenter, open-label study investigating the efficacy, safety and tolerability of Harvoni treatment for 12 weeks in 335 patients with HCV genotype 1a (75 percent), 1b (23 percent) or 4 (2 percent) and HIV-1 co-infection. The study included HCV treatment-naïve (45 percent) and treatment-experienced (55 percent) patients, including patients with compensated cirrhosis (20 percent), whose HIV was suppressed using one of three HIV antiretroviral (ARV) regimens: tenofovir and emtricitabine with efavirenz (Atripla®), raltegravir or rilpivirine (Complera®).

HealthWise: Children with Hepatitis C —Lucinda K. Porter, RN

Rick Nash has had hepatitis C his entire 29 years of life. He didn’t know about the infection until the summer prior to starting 7th grade. Rick wasn’t even a teenager, and he was already showing signs of advanced liver disease from chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV).

Rick acquired HCV when he was an infant. Approximately 6% of infants with HCV-positive mothers will acquire the virus perinatally: This is known as vertical transmission.  When Rick learned that he had hepatitis C, his mother was diagnosed too. Up to 4000 children in the U.S. contract HCV vertically every year.

According to NHANES-III, about 0.17% of 6-11 year olds (31,000) and 0.39% of 12-19 year olds (101,000) are HCV antibody-positive. This amounts to roughly 23,000 to 46,000 children in the US with HCV. Vertical transmission is the most common way children acquire HCV. Another frequent HCV transmission mode is via drug use, which is infecting adolescents at alarming rates.

Before going further, it is important to note that information about HCV in the pediatric population is disturbingly minimal. The best source of information comes from the practice guidelines by the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (NASPGHAN) published in June 2012.  With no mention of the newest HCV treatments, the guidelines are outdated.
NASPGHAN admits that little is known about the pathophysiology of HCV in infants and children. “Infants may have certain defense mechanisms, possibly age-related, which explain the relative inefficiency of mother-to-infant HCV transmission.”1 Nonetheless, HCV during childhood is still quite serious. There is a 26-fold increased risk of liver-related death associated with chronic HCV acquired in childhood.

Generally, HCV progression in children is not as severe or as rapid as it is in adults. However, significant fibrosis or cirrhosis may occur, as was the case with Rick. Pediatric liver transplantation from HCV is rare. Hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer) is extremely uncommon in HCV-positive children. 

Cognitive impairment has been observed in children with HCV. This includes developmental delay, learning disorders, and cognitive deficits. Children are less likely than adults to have HCV extrahepatic manifestations; cryoglobulinemia and lymphoma have not been reported. Glomerulonephritis (a kidney disease) may occur in children with chronic HCV.
Hepatitis C in Society
Hepatitis C doesn’t just affect the body; it affects social systems. A child with hepatitis C has complicated social systems. The child’s parents may be worried. Kids may not have the maturity to deal with the shifting sands of living with a chronic, infectious disease. Keeping others safe is a tricky issue, and these issues differ if you are five versus fifteen years old. Conversations about sex and drugs are more complicated when you have a potentially infectious virus. Telling an HCV-positive kid to avoid alcohol is an even more serious discussion than it already is.

In the middle of all this is stigma. The public isn’t kind, especially to children living with infectious diseases. Zachary is a second grader in Virginia who is struggling with hepatitis C.2  He contracted HCV at birth and was adopted into a loving family. His family had no experience with HCV, and his mother learned all she could about it. Zach is now six, and has already undergone combination therapy with interferon and ribavirin, but didn't respond.

Zach’s mother Kelly noticed a few changes relating to school. Zach revealed that he would be in trouble if he got a loose tooth at school. He was barred from using the school computer because of concerns that he might sneeze on the keyboard. All the students except Zachary were invited to join an after school wrestling program. This occurred despite the fact that Kelly has educated the teachers and officials at school about HCV transmission.

This is a common story. We saw it with HIV. Ryan White was kicked out of school because he had HIV. The family was constantly harassed and threatened. The Ray brothers, three boys with hemophilia, experienced the same horrors. They were banned from school in Arcadia, Florida. They fought and won the right to attend, but their house was burned to the ground because of arson. Blogger Shawn Decker was another hemophiliac who was dismissed from school because of his HIV status. He also had hepatitis B and C. He lived to share his story. Ryan White and two of the three Ray brothers are dead.   

Treating Children for Hepatitis C
Rick’s first glimpse at hepatitis C treatment was watching his mother go through it. “My mother would end up going on two hep C treatments while I was in school. Each treatment she went through gave me a glimpse of the insane side effects and pain she suffered from interferon. This wasn't just my mother’s pain; it was also mine.” Eventually, Rick’s mother would be cured. Rick was not as lucky.

As shocking as it may sound, the only FDA-approved HCV treatment for children is peginterferon plus ribavirin. Children with genotype 2 or 3 need 24 weeks of treatment; everyone else endures 48 weeks. Response rates are slightly more than 50%. Genotype 1 patients have the lowest rates (47%).
Side effects are common and can be quite severe. Neuropsychiatric side effects can be difficult to manage. Thinking back to my two interferon experiences, I was a wreck. I can’t imagine what it would be like if I was a youngster and didn’t have the coping skills that come with maturity.

Rick’s first treatment began when he was 18 years old. As an adult, he now had access to all the medications, however, at that time there wasn’t much. He started with interferon, a difficult treatment that did not work. He made his way down the menu of HCV treatments, and is now on his fifth attempt, using Harvoni. In the meantime, Rick struggles with decompensated cirrhosis. He has portal hypertension (high blood pressure in the liver), esophageal varices, hepatitis encephalopathy (mental confusion caused by high levels of toxins in the blood), ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdomen), and jaundice (build-up of bilirubin in the blood which causes yellow skin and eyes, dark urine, and clay-colored stools).

If Rick were still a kid, his choices would be to use peginterferon/ribavirin, look for a clinical trial, or wait. Some pediatric hepatologists will prescribe HCV treatment off-label, but getting insurance companies to cover the cost of off label drugs is challenging. When this article was going to press, there were at least two trials for kids, but there aren’t many slots. (See ClinicalTrials.gov for more information.)
Coping with hepatitis C is hard, but coping with it when your child has it, or you yourself are a child, takes monumental strength. In his young life, Rick Nash has coped with fragile health and five HCV treatments. “My mother didn't know the risk when she had me, and she told me that in hindsight had she known, she would have been less likely to have taken the risk of having me. I told her that whatever the risk, I am glad of having been born, even if it meant I could have only done so having been given the virus. It is through this hardship I was able to better know myself, and better know my mother. Pandora opened the jar not knowing its contents, but within the dread, there was the greatest gift of all: hope.”

To keep up with Rick’s progress and see if he responds to Harvoni, visit Rick Nash’s Blog http://blogs.hepmag.com/ricknash/

Lucinda K. Porter, RN, is a long-time contributor to the HCV Advocate and author of Free from Hepatitis C and Hepatitis C One Step at a Time. Her blog is www.LucindaPorterRN.com

Additional Resources

  1. NASPGHAN Practice Guidelines

  2. This story first appeared on Kim Bosseley’s blog at http://blogs.hepmag.com/kimbossley