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Alan Franciscus


HCV Advocate

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Interferon-free therapy clears hepatitis C in 93 percent of patients in trial

Public Release: 

Duke University Medical Center

DURHAM, N.C. -- A 12-week dose of an investigational three-drug hepatitis C combination cleared the virus in 93 percent of patients with liver cirrhosis who hadn't previously been treated, according to a study in the May 5, 2015, issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association.

Bristol-Myers Squibb funded the trial of the combination of three drugs -- daclatasvir, asunaprevir, and beclabuvir. None of the three drugs are FDA-approved, but daclatasvir is currently under review by the FDA. Duke Medicine researchers collaborated on the design and analysis of the trial and authored the findings.

The trial recruited patients with hepatitis C-related cirrhosis, or scarring of the liver, 112 of whom had not previously been treated for hepatitis C, and 90 who had previous unsuccessful therapies. For those with past failed therapies and potential resistance, the drugs were slightly less successful, eliminating the virus in 87 percent.

However, for those with past failed therapies, incorporating a fourth drug, ribavirin, appeared to enhance results. Ribavirin is a commonly used hepatitis C treatment. When added to the investigational regimen, success rates in previously treated patients reached 93 percent -- on par with those receiving treatment for the first time.

No vaccine has been developed to protect patients from the hepatitis C virus, which is spread through blood and can lead to liver failure and death if untreated. Most who are infected don't know they have the disease until they have symptoms and have already sustained liver damage, said Andrew Muir, M.D., M.H.S., chief of the division of gastroenterology at Duke and the study's lead author. For this reason, Americans born between 1945 and 1965 -- baby boomers -- should automatically be tested, he urged.

For most of the past 20 years, therapies for hepatitis C relied on interferon drugs, which require regular injections for as long as one year and trigger miserable, flu-like side effects that prompt many patients to quit the regimen. Some patients aren't eligible for this treatment if they have anemia, low platelets or other conditions, Muir said.

"Those with more advanced disease were unlikely to tolerate interferons, and many patients would decide against even getting treatment," Muir said. "For those who could tolerate it, it was only moderately effective."

Since late 2013, several drug companies have released new, interferon-free regimens. In many cases, these have proven to be more effective than previous treatments.

"The development of interferon-free treatments has been a tremendous step forward in the standard of care," Muir said. "These drugs are highly effective and well-tolerated by patients at all stages of liver disease."

The trial was conducted between December 2013 and September 2014 at nearly 50 sites across the United States, Canada, France, and Australia. All patients were infected with genotype 1 hepatitis, a common strain of the C virus in North America, Western Europe and Australia.

The drugs had minimal side effects for most participants. Nine patients experienced serious adverse events three of which were considered related to treatment, the study states.

Among the study's limitations were the absence of a placebo group that could pinpoint the sources of side effects, and a lack of racial diversity, with 88 percent white participants. The study also did not statistically distinguish the impact of the addition of ribavirin to some participants' daily regimen.
In addition to Muir, study authors include Fred Poordad; Jacob Lalezari; Gregory Everson; Gregory J. Dore; Robert Herring; Aasim Sheikh; Paul Kwo; Christophe Hézode; Paul J. Pockros; Albert Tran; Joseph Yozviak; Nancy Reau; Alnoor Ramji; Katherine Stuart; Alexander J. Thompson; John Vierling; Bradley Freilich; James Cooper; Wayne Ghesquiere; Rong Yang; Fiona McPhee; Eric A. Hughes; E. Scott Swenson; and Philip D. Yin.

Bristol-Myers Squibb sponsored the study. Muir received grant funding from Bristol-Myers Squibb during the conduct of the trial, as well as grant funding and personal fees from AbbVie, Achillion, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gilead, and Merck, personal fees from Theravance, and grant funding from Roche outside of the work submitted for this JAMA article.

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Press Release Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2015-05/dumc-itc043015.php

Canada: Contaminated vial likely cause of hepatitis C outbreak: report

KITCHENER — Region of Waterloo Public Health concluded its investigation into a hepatitis C outbreak at a Kitchener colonoscopy clinic in late 2013.

The final report presented to a regional council committee Tuesday said what most likely happened is hepatitis C was spread from a previously undiagnosed client to four other patients at Tri-City Colonoscopy Clinic on Dec. 24, 2013, when a bottle of medication was contaminated.

"There was a lapse in infection control related to the use of multi-dose vials," said regional medical officer of health Dr. Liana Nolan. 

New Case of Hep. C at Doctor's Office

Update: New Case of Hepatitis C Added to Ongoing Results of Testing for Bloodborne Virus Exposure 
Source: Public Health Department

The Santa Barbara County Public Health Department is continuing an investigation of Dr. Allen Thomashefsky’s medical office, and is recommending that former patients get tested for Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV. The Health Department has received and analyzed information associated with the laboratory test results of former patients. As of May 4, 2015, a total of 248 tests have now been reported. A new case of Hepatitis C has been identified and the cumulative results are as follows:
  • 7 patients have tested positive for Hepatitis C Of these 7 patients
      -  6 of these are believed to represent a new, or acute, diagnosis of Hepatitis C
      -  1 is believed to represent a prior, or chronic, infection of Hepatitis C
  • 1 patient tested positive for Hepatitis B and has been determined to be a prior, existing infection 
  • 0 patients have tested positive for HIV 
  • 240 patients are negative or not infected with Hepatitis B and C, or HIV

Newest Hepatitis C Drug Without Interferon Achieves 93 Percent Cure Rate

Researchers unsure whether the new hepatitis C drug’s entry into the U.S. market will drive down prices.

Another pharmaceutical company appears headed to market with a drug that cures hepatitis C genotype 1, without interferon and ribavirin, in just 12 weeks.

Research published today in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) showed a combination of Bristol-Myers Squibb drugs daclatasvir, asunaprevir, and beclabuvir cured hepatitis C in 93 percent of 112 study participants with cirrhosis who had not previously been treated.

The drug combination also eliminated the hepatitis virus in 87 percent of 90 participants who had treatment in the past that didn’t work. When ribavirin was added, the success rate climbed to 93 percent.


Hepatitis C: Why people born 1945-1965 should get tested

The month of May is designated as Hepatitis Awareness Month.

During May, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Douglas County Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health work to shed light on this hidden epidemic by raising awareness of viral hepatitis and encouraging individuals to get tested.

Douglas County Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health encourages you to take a five-minute online assessment developed by the CDC, which provides a personalized report on hepatitis testing and vaccination recommendations. To complete the assessment, visit www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/RiskAssessment or talk to your health care provider about hepatitis testing and your risks.

Monday, May 4, 2015

India: Mylan launches hepatitis-C Sovaldi tablets in India

HYDERABAD: Pharma giant Mylan NV today said its subsidiary Mylan Pharmaceuticals has launched Gilead Sciences' Sovaldi (sofosbuvir 400mg tablets) in the country.

Sovaldi is used for the treatment of chronic hepatitis-C infection as a component of a combination anti-viral treatment.

It is estimated that around 12 million people are chronically infected with hepatitis-C in India, Mylan said in a release.

In February this year, Gilead appointed Mylan as its exclusive distributor of Sovaldi in India.

Read more at: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/47148108.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst

Entering Leg 2 of syringe exchange triathlon

With law enacted, implementation adheres to prescribed steps

Indiana is about to legalize syringe exchange. This herculean bipartisan effort, led by Rep. Ed Clere, R-New Albany, enacted evidence-based public health policy in a state with a long-starved public health system.

As triathlons go, the syringe exchange legislative process was a tough first leg that will be followed by a second leg of policy implementation and a final leg of impact evaluation. We are now at T1 – that transition between Legs 1 and 2. And Leg 2 will be challenging.

Syringe exchange is part of a comprehensive public health effort to reduce HIV and hepatitis C among drug-injecting populations. Programs “exchange” sterile for used syringes, and link participants to screening and treatment for Hepatitis C and HIV, as well as substance abuse treatment. Studies over the past 30 years have demonstrated their effectiveness at reducing hepatitis C and HIV.