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Alan Franciscus


HCV Advocate

Showing posts with label trial data. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trial data. Show all posts

Monday, June 29, 2015

FDA is Sued by Advocacy Groups That Want Gilead Hepatitis C Trial Data

File this under ‘Show me the data.’

A pair of public health advocacy organizations has filed a lawsuit against the FDA, claiming the agency failed to release clinical trial data for Gilead Sciences GILD -3.38%’ hepatitis C treatments on a timely basis. And the move is only the latest installment in an ongoing drama in which researchers and patient advocates have tussled with drug makers and regulators over access to such information.

Here’s what happened:

Late last year, Treatment Action Group and the Global Health Justice Partnership asked Gilead for patient-level trial data for the Sovaldi and Harvoni drugs. They sought the data because the drugs are widely prescribed, thanks to very high cure rates, and because the FDA approved the drugs as part of a regulatory process known as a breakthrough designation, which accelerated review.